If only sporadic, inadequate, or no cleaning of the machine has been carried out, increased abrasion should be expected, which in turn leads to the outcome, that a larger number of spare parts will be required. If these are not stored on-site, a machine downtime, lasting several days may occur.
Stefan Hibler, a service engineer at STATEC BINDER, gives an example of such circumstances: “We are assuming that our customer X, unfortunately, forgoes regular cleaning of his machine. Due to a lack of cleaning measures, natural product spillage, such as e.g. dust, or bag parts, accumulate. As a further consequence, the compressed product residues in the machine and, for example, also near the rolls of the conveyor belt.
This can result in the outcome, that the conveyor is overstretched and breaks, however, customer X does not have this spare part in stock. Therefore, our customer gets it shipped over by STATEC BINDER immediately, but he must expect further delays due to customs controls. Such scenarios are possible and cannot really be influenced by our side. The result could be a complete machine breakdown, which could last for several weeks in the worst case.” In order to avoid such a scenario, planned measures should be taken to ensure proper maintenance of the packaging system!
For more advice on correct machine maintenance measures, click here.