Stefan Hibler, a service engineer at STATEC BINDER, explains his approach to customers:
“It is particularly important for me personally, that the explanation concerning the necessary cleaning measures happens directly next to the relevant machine itself. This enables me to explain central areas to the customer or the machine operator, for example by demonstrating how essential regular cleaning is, by disassembling the filter housing. Additionally, it is important to create a certain awareness in customers’ minds, in order to make them understand that product contamination can lead to far worse serious scenarios. For instance, a paper filter element can break when heavy contamination occurs, and thus, also contaminate or even break the machine or the vacuum pump.”
Stefan Hibler further describes that such a filter element is very inexpensive and easy to replace. In comparison, on the one hand, the replacement of the vacuum pump is very cost-intensive, and on the other hand, also the installation of the spare part is rather complicated. The duration of the machine downtime should then also be considered. Naturally, it takes longer for major replacement work than for minor maintenance work.
A maintenance training is generally available to all STATEC BINDER customers. The training does not only teach which parts have to be checked, maintained, and replaced on a regular basis, but also informs about the adjustments that have to be made after certain parts have been replaced. “The importance of such training should really be anchored in the awareness of our customers for a very good reason – if the staff is properly trained on how the system should be handled, the customer can expect fewer breakdown times and also efficiency is overall increased. Thus, the time invested in maintenance training in advance will pay off afterward. In this regard, I am personally convinced that the purchase of customer training is well-invested money for each of our customers!”