МЫ —
Statec Binder
Мы занимаемся упаковочным оборудованием.
Наш приоритет — полная удовлетворенность клиента. На всех этапах: начиная от консультации, стадий проектирования и установки устройства, и заканчивая постоянной поддержкой после успешного введения в эксплуатацию и сдачи-приемки. Без этого современный успех STATEC BINDER не был бы возможен. Наше предприятие (со штаб-квартирой в Австрии) — это в первую очередь наши сотрудники. Мы занимаемся обслуживанием наших клиентов по всему миру и работаем над оптимальными решениями совместно с нашими партнерами.
"Since the mid-80s, I worked for the parent company Binder+Co AG in the field of packaging technology and was able to acquire a wealth of specialist knowledge and build up a worldwide network. I traveled to all continents for 18 years to install packaging and palletizing systems - therefore it was only logical for me to switch to the sales area in 2003. When the STATEC BINDER joint venture was founded in 2008, I was able to prove my leadership qualities for the first time. I have now been Managing Director of STATEC BINDER for over 10 years and can look back on many successful business years. As Managing Director, the employees are particularly close to my heart as I have worked in a wide variety of positions myself, from locksmith through sales and engineering to commissioning and service, so I can understand what the work in the individual positions requires."
Josef Lorger, Managing Director